CHASE Podcast.
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Guest Speaker Pastor Pat
Pastor Pat visits us from Glory of the Cross Ministries and opens God's Word
The Beatitudes - Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied
Pete explores the next beatitude in our sermon series, what does it look like to hunger and thirst for righteousness? How will we be satisfied?
The Beatitudes - Blessed are the gentle
Dan opens Gods word for the 3rd in our Beatitudes series. He challenges us in how we are with people, are we gentle? are we meek and what does it all mean?
The Beatitudes - Blessed are they that Mourn
Suz spoke on the second of our beatitude series and looked at the blessed that can come in hard times.
The Beatitudes - Blessed are the poor in spirit
Ken kicks off our series on the Beatitudes with Blessed are the poor in spirit.
Sabbath Rest
Lauren opens up God's word and challenges us on sabbath and are we resting as we are commanded.
The Kingdom of God
Kev opens up God’s Word and looks at Matthew 4. As Jesus started His ministry, he proclaimed the Kingdom of God was coming, he healed people and preached. This talk helps us set the context for the upcoming series on Matthew 5, The Beatitudes.
The Story of the Bride
Peter opens up Gods word and explores as the bride of Christ, how are we preparing ourselves for eternity with Christ?
Am I a Disciple
Phil Kingham opens up God’s word and challenges us about being a disciple.
Carrying The Presence
Chris opens up God’s word to us, he encourages us to carry the presence of God in everything we do.
Holy Spirit
Martin looks at who the Holy Spirit is and why we need to know Him, he also speaks on baptism.